September 6, 2024

Open Letter To My Democrat Friends

My Friends,

I'm writing this as a conservative-leaning Independent; a member of neither political party.

That said, the coming presidential election is not about who we like or dislike. It's about what's best for our nation.

We're not electing a buddy, we're electing a caretaker of our nation for the next four years. We don't have to like him or her. We have to be concerned only if he or she can get the job done!

On the one hand, we have candidate Kamala Harris who was elevated by a small group in your party against the wishes of an overwhelming majority, and who responds (if at all) to legitimate queries with inappropriate laughter and babble.

This election is not a laughing matter.

Her campaign is built on "joy," which seems to omit seriousness and good sense. And she changes her positions more than a chameleon standing on Scottish plaid changes its color.

I guess it may make her likable to some, but I don't think it qualifies her as a leader. She hasn't lifted a finger on the Public's behalf in four years.

Granted, there is a certain validity in your argument she's been vice president and so has been little more than a consultant/advisor. In that role, then, she's filled the presidential head with far-left idiocy. After all, she has boasted recently she has been "the last person in the room.

And I would think reasonable sane patriotic Democrats might find that objectionable.

On the other hand, the candidate Donald Trump has loads of common sense, which politicians have had little of in the past decades. His record is one of success, and he seems to care for the average working man or woman — a characteristic seemingly lacking in today's Democratic Party.

His past proves he can be crude, rude and full of ’tude, to be sure. And he has not always been "presidential." Of course, neither has our current V.P., unless you like "word salad" and irritating and graceless cackling.

The rhetoric about the nation going to Hell in a handbasket due to Trump's policies is, well...bullshit. All you have to do is research the Trumpian(?) years to see the positives at work then. They are there, even in the biased reporting of the "legacy news media" — if you don't let yourself be pulled down the rabbit holes of character assassinating reports, libel and slander.

You have two means of learning Harris's positions:

1, Rely on years-old self-contradictions, because she has no new "fixes;" 2, Research Trump's ideas and accomplishments, then listen to Harris. She wants to out-Trump Trump.

She's trying to pass off his programs/policies as her own. And why wouldn't she? They worked for him, she has no ideas, and she's following in Hidin's plagiaristic footsteps. (If you've ignored his lack of ethics and criminal behavior his whole career, why wouldn't you ignore hers now?

I agree that the conservative media are at times too nitpicky in their reporting of P. and V.P. gaffes. However, she has made almost no sense in any of her public comments or statements in nearly four years. Additionally, her ideas of what We the People need are diametrically opposed to what we really do need.

My Friends, if you're a stiff-necked die-hard far-leftie or progressive or whatever term you use, I can't heal you. You're beyond help.

But if you truly care about this country, try to put aside your personal "vibes," positive or negative, and think about how you're faring now. Think about how you fared four years ago, and what you want the next four years to be for our nation.

If you're honest with yourself, there's no question.

Scurvy C.A. McBeady

P.S. ...Or maybe we'll just dance....

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