July 10, 2024

Good News, My Millions of Fans!!

(I...what? Oh, alright....)


Good news, my three followers! I'm baa-aaack! After only six short years! And I've brought with me  the event you've been waiting for so patiently!

Sea Stories & Other Lies: Mostly True Tales of a Dry-Land Sailor is here! The very first (and possibly last) book written by me, Scurvy C.A. McBeady, is now available to the public!

Yes, friends and neighbors, you, too, can own a first-edition in either paperback or ebook format!

"Why should I buy it?" you may ask.

"For several reasons," I may answer.

First, I worked really really hard writing it. I typed my little fingers down to nubs! (Well, maybe I just wore my fingernails down a little, but still....) I spent more than two years getting it just right (Ignore the occasional typos, they're minor.). That of itself deserves a look-see, don't you think?

Second, I'm a pretty fair writer. You'll be amazed at the many ways I can turn a phrase. And I use very few big words, so it'll be easy to understand.

Third, I need the money. I have five kids to feed and.... Okay, you got me there. The Wife and I only have two kids and a dog. And both kids aren't. They're grown and fully capable of supporting themselves. But the dog is (a dog?), and we have to feed him!

Fourth, I think you'll enjoy Sea Stores & Other... etc. It's a genre you won't often find in the annals of great literature, a humorous fictitious memoir, "partly truth and partly fiction," as Kristofferson penned in The Pilgrim. It's a narrative of one young man's experiences during a time he was in the employ of Uncle Sam's sea-going forces.

"Oh," you might say, "I love a good adventure tale!"

And I would answer, "This ain't it."

No swashbuckling here, no hero swooping in to save the damsel. In fact, the protagonist doesn't even once punch anyone in the nose! This is a tale of a somewhat naive young man's trying — although not very hard at times — to stay out of trouble in a strict, often nutty, environment and grow up at the same time.

Look for Sea Stories & Other Lies: Mostly True Tales of a Dry-Land Sailor wherever fine literature is sold. (You won't find it there, but you can still look.) It is available at Amazon Kindle Book Store. If it seems a little pricey, try to remember we're in an inflationary economy — and you're helping fund an old geezer's declining years. And his trophy wife.

Sea Stories & Other Lies: Mostly True Tales of a Dry-Land Sailor.

Get it, read it, then tell me what you think.

...Or maybe we can all just dance....