July 18, 2018

Isn't It About Time We Grew Up?

Let me be clear....

President Donald J. Trump is just a man. Unlike a former chief executive, however, Mr. Trump's supporters have never called him a "messiah." Time and the politics of writers and historians eventually will flag his leadership ability for us.

Mr. Trump has the same warts, flaws, blemishes and scars as every other man who ever held our nation's highest office. Our 45th president — and he is our president — is not a slick "traditional" politician; not politically correct, not two-faced; and he doesn't talk out of both sides of his mouth. He is charming and a quick study, yet rude and crude and a mean-ass dude. He also tends speak out when he probably shouldn't. Many of his supporters agree.

But from the start, he relished (still does) "getting in the grills" of national media types. They expected Mr. Trump to kiss their butts, and when he didn't, it chafed them immensely. You saw it in Megyn Kelly's face during the initial FoxNews-hosted Republican Presidential Debate in 2016. So, the news media hate him.

They attacked with a vengeance and continually bombard average folk with irrelevant "facts," rumor, allegations and downright falsehoods. They unashamedly and unapologetically attacked our president's family, as well, at every opportunity. Still do. The media have not been able to put him into any of their "normal" little boxes, and that makes them unhappy.

For awhile, I feared the Fourth Estate had successfully shifted the average American's focus to the trivial — his rough edges, insults (imagined or real), past indiscretions and aggressive personality — and away from the good he's done since he' been our president.

That even one "average-person" Trump-hater can ignore the positives of his administration thus far, and feel such animus towards him absolutely astonishes me! For otherwise-rational people to hate him is infinitely absurd! It's unsound, disconnected, preposterous and just wrong!

I can understand how almost everyone on the left in Congress, and too many on the right, dig in their heels against him. There are exceptions, but I believe our congressional representatives are self-absorbed, pin-headed political prostitutes only superficially concerned with the welfare of our nation. And thus far, they have done nothing to convince me otherwise.

But I now believe the Vile Left is quickly losing its audience. We the People are weary of the anti-president propaganda spewing from the mouths of the talking heads on the news networks we once trusted. We're tired of the simps on Congress's left whining, making ridiculous assertions and even encouraging violence, unrest and lawlessness in their public pronouncements!

Personally, I hope the Vile Left, and Congress's nattering nabobs of nonsense (to put a spin on the words of William Safire) continue their asinine antics. Every time they open their mouths, it helps those of us who don't pay enough attention to realize just how lucky we are to have our president.

As voters. As a society, we Americans must get beyond our petty annoyances. So what if Mr. Trump might have made an untoward remark to a woman nine, or 15, or 30 years ago? So what if he inherited $X million from his old man? So what if he changed his mind on a position he held seven years ago? The news media would have you believe those are terrible character flaws. Believe me they're much, much better than making a ton of campaign promises, not delivering on any of 'em and waffling you way out. That's a non-Trump politician!

Think about it. Do you really wish that Hillary was in the White House?

We need to grow up, Folks. There has been only one perfect man on earth in recorded history. And...we...crucified...Him.

...But maybe we should all just dance....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent article, Audie! You are right on!