November 4, 2016

Clinton or Trump: An Easy Choice

Okay, when last I wrote of this 2016 presidential election, I was about ready to pop. I didn't.

But now, only three days before we all vote on our next leader, I don't mind telling you, the past several years we haven't made a very good job of selecting our president. Like most people I know, the vitriol of this race has put me off. I'm also alarmed over where this nation is heading. If I don't get a few things off my chest now, though, I will pop!

The United States I've always believed in, and for whose ideals many of us and our forebears have sacrificed, now seems no longer to exist. What I consider vital U.S. institutions — churches, families, the sovereign states, our military, law enforcement, our Constitution — all seem to be under attack. As a society, we have no respect for one another.

We can blame this on whomever we want, but what matters is this decline is deep and getting deeper. As a nation, we've forgotten who we are and why we are. Our ancestors, and many of us today perhaps, came to this country as the dregs of other societies.  But everyone sought a better life; often avoiding persecution. Some came against our will, as slaves, convicts or undesirable "poor" indentureds. But of those, how many have ever really wanted to go back? Few.

Certainly, throughout its 240-year history, our nation hasn't been perfect. At times, it's been arrogant, stubborn, grasping, selfish, even genocidal. And we're not the only one. All nations have done, and will do, things of which no one should be proud. That doesn't excuse the past, but what's done is done. Nor does it mean we should hang our head in shame, shuffle around the globe apologizing and damning our Founding Fathers' ideals. We must not stop trying to do right.

Our nation was established as Christian, and we should act like it. We should help the rest of the world through charity, strength or both. We should be tolerant of other societies' customs and ways of thinking. Surrendering our traditions or way of life is not how to do it, however.

Today, it becomes ever more important that we are careful. For example, we can't exemplify diversity and tolerance, if we let unidentified and dangerous populations infect us like some evil pestilence. As a Christian nation, must we offer up our collective throat to the knives of those who want to cut it? No, we must tighten and control access to our country. If we don't, we indeed do n to have a nation.

Like it or not, the USA must be a world leader. Strong. We may not be able to "fix" every wrong on the planet. But if we don't shine as a light for freedom, no one will. These last almost-eight years, we've seen what happens when U.S. slinks away. Our influence wanes. We won't shine unless we stand tall and bold.

Now, Hillary Clinton has been in/around politics since college. Donald Trump has been in the business world. Radical leftist Saul Alinsky is one of Clinton's major influences. Others are Wall Street, rich radical George Soros, and money. Trump cites his late father Fred as his greatest influence.

Allegedly, the Watergate Commission fired Clinton for playing fast and loose with the truth. When Bill Clinton lost his bid for a second term as Arkansas governor, Hillary Rodham became Hillary Clinton because she feared using her maiden name alienated Arkansans. When the infamous "Bimbo eruptions" occurred after the Clintons regained the Arkansas Governor's Mansion, then again in the White House, she viciously savaged them to "defend" Bill. And we won't even talk about the Clintons' scandals as Arkansas' first family.

This is what I see:

Donald Trump is not a professional politician. He's a businessman and has made and lost millions in real estate and construction. He seems to be frank and open almost to a fault and doesn't hide his big ego. And yes, he is a braggart and crude. But he's a private citizen with zero political experience, and many forgive his rough edges. Traits that might have been millstones around the necks of pro-pols endear him to his supporters. Much of the American public are fed up with the insulting behavior of elected officials — empty promises, arrogance, own-nest-feathering and total disregard of the public's wishes or good — and they see in Trump someone who will change that.

Hillary Clinton is a professional politician. She has lusted for the presidency since before her husband was elected. She is experienced in the political arts, which means she's shown willingness to tell anyone whatever they want to hear. She trivializes, obfuscates, panders, stonewalls, obstructs and twists, and "lawyerizes" to fit her whims — often, to avoid being embarrassed, caught or perhaps even prosecuted for misdeeds. Recent revelations via Wikileaks ( and multiple news videos show that she has participated in "pay-for-play" schemes selling access to high government officials, including while she was secretary of state, and misled or out-and-out lied to bereaved families of Americans murdered in Benghazi, Lebanon.

Donald Trump has been besieged by the Left and the national news media with charges of racism, religious intolerance, rape and sexual assault, sexism, and unethical and dishonest business practices. (Incidentally, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that in the real world the only practical way to ensure shoddy work or service is fixed is to withhold payment — Trump's perfectly reasonable explanation.) I gotta tell ya that, so far as I can tell, almost all the allegations are "he-said, she-said." That is, accusations that've been leveled without corroborating evidence.

When Hillary Clinton and Bill left the White House, they reportedly took $150,000-$200,000 in furnishings, art and fixtures belonging to the public (via the National Park Service, which is responsible for the residence). They returned part of the "loot" only after the press revealed their "mistake." With no ties there, the Clintons left the White House for New York State so she could run for the U.S. Senate. In the South, that's called "carpetbagging." She subsequently did zero significant work there, using her time to set up a run at the presidency.

At this point, her whole plan for the country is "Trash Trump, Become President, Do What Obama Did." Meanwhile, "experts" say Trump's "Plan for America" is doomed to fail. Yet, Clinton is running basically on what Obama has "accomplished": over-regulation, high unemployment, bigger government, rule-by-fiat (executive order) and trampling of the Constitution, rampant disrespect and rule-by-the-loudest. Plus, a hard run at a socialist America. No part of this Obama "legacy" has made the nation better.

Hillary Clinton's inaction and refusal of aid to our embassy directly contributed to the deaths of four Americans who might have been spared in Benghazi. (Remember: like Nero, she fiddled with which uniforms soldiers should wear to aid State Department employees; meanwhile, the embassy burned!) Later, she destroyed federal evidence after it had been subpoenaed. She perjured herself to Congress and lied to the FBI. Worse still, her overt negligence and incompetence put the national security of the United States at risk. The source of those revelations doesn't matter. I repeat: She knowingly put the national security of our nation at risk!

Donald Trump, by contrast, said mean things. I don't think anybody died because of them. And I can't get around the apparent fact that his family and friends love Trump. Apparently, too, a high majority of Trump employees like, respect and swear by him. It's hard for me to accept that someone who commands loyalty so bereft of a mafia-like "love-me-or-bad-things-will-happen-to-you" attitude is as evil as the Left wants us to believe.

Trump wants to return to "a government "of the People, by the People and for the People;" to reverse encroachment into our daily business, and to lead our nation back to honor, prosperity, pride and, yes, greatness — with fresh ideas and dedication.

 Clinton wants to be the first female president. Then take revenge on her enemies. Beyond that, more Obama.

To me, this presidential election comes down to this choice:

Clinton — who sees Uncle Sam as an octopus (remember Disney's The Little Mermaid?) whose tentacles slide into every corner of our lives, our pockets and ultimately drown us in social regulation and control...


Trump — who sees Uncle Sam as a junkyard dog, strong, protective, alert and leaving We the People, its owners, to our own business, which is everything the Constitution doesn't specifically grant to the federal government.

I value transparency. I value the Constitution. I value plain-speaking. I value common sense. I value honesty. I value Uncle Sam, the junkyard dog. For my children and grandchildren, and their's. Donald Trump is who I'm voting for. And when he gains the White House...

...I'll definitely just dance!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damn, you're good. This was great and I would encourage you to share it wherever possible.

Tom Wms.